Who we are

IABC Queensland is a network of communication professionals focused on building knowledge and skills, learning from each other, and making great connections.

At IABC Queensland, we’re focused on delivering great events and learning opportunities for our Members. We know the power of a strong comms network - whether that’s in building or advancing your career, or finding opportunities to learn more.

Our Chapter is part of the IABC Asia-Pacific Region, and our members benefit from the learning and networking opportunities from around Australia, New Zealand, and Asia.

Members also benefit from being a part of the IABC Global community. At any time, you can jump onto the IABC portal and chat to comms pros from around the world, access live and online training, and advance your career!

How we work

Our wonderful Board is comprised of volunteers with communication experience from an array of sectors and experiences.

The Board meets monthly, and works together to plan and facilitate learning events for our Members. We also connect our members with each other, and with the learning and events on offer from across the APAC and Global regions.

Interested in joining our Board?

Show potential clients and employers that you’re on top of the comms game by becoming an IABC Queensland Board member! You’ll meet amazing people, be able to attend all our events for free, and build skills and knowledge.